Jul 2, 2020
4138 views 2 mins

And I know I sound like a broken record, but war with China is as inevitable as Day follows Night! We can hold 10 high level diplomatic talks or a 100 at Corps Commanders level In the end we shall have to push the Chinese out of Aksai Chin. Pangong Tso, Galwan Valley, Shyok River […]

Jul 2, 2020
636 views 6 secs

♦️And this for my very dear friends on the extreme/lunatic end of everything ♦️Just a few things worth remembering: 🇮🇳The slogan “Mādarē Vatan Bhārat Ki Jai” was composed in 1857 by #AzeemUllahKhan (which later evolved into Bharat Mata Ki Jai, the above is the original) •🇮🇳The Slogan “Jai Hind” was the work of #AbidHassanSafrani •🇮🇳The […]

Jul 1, 2020
850 views 11 secs

🥀WORDS HAVE CONSEQUENCES A HUMAN BEING IS THE ONLY CREATURE WITH POISON IN HIS TONGUE NOT TEETH 🥀 -SRI KRISHNA ♦️18 दिन के युद्ध ने, द्रोपदी की उम्र को 80 वर्ष जैसा कर दिया था.. ♦️शारीरिक रूप से भी और मानसिक रूप से भी ♦️शहर में चारों तरफ़ विधवाओं का बाहुल्य था.. ♦️पुरुष इक्का-दुक्का ही […]

Jun 30, 2020
617 views 11 secs

♦️Aum Shree Ganeshaya Namah! ♦️The Govt Of India bans 59 Chinese apps ♦️All liberals/leftists have a field day poking fun at the PM! ♦️One worthy even stated on Twitter “we have taken revenge for the surrender of Ladakh; we have banned TikTok” ♦️And the chorus of dimwitted dunderheads joins in the laughter! ♦️So the Chinese […]

Jun 30, 2020
656 views 7 secs

🐅HOW SARISKA TIGER RESERVE WAS SAVED🐅 🐅In 2005 the Project Tiger agency found that the Sariska Tiger Reserve had no tigers left; all killed by poachers 🐅Then a Bold experiment was tried out to save Sariska; today there are 20 tigers in the Reserve 🐅In July 2008, two tigers from Ranthambhore National Park were relocated […]

Jun 29, 2020
561 views 11 secs

🌹WHEN BALBIR SINGH OFFERED NAMAZ WITH ASLAM SHER KHAN🌹 🇮🇳This is MY INDIA! Isn’t it YOURS? 🇮🇳The Great two time Olympic Hockey Champion #BalbirSingh Sr was Coach and Manager of the Indian Hockey Team for the 1975 World Cup at Kuala Lumpur (the only time India won the Hockey World Cup) 🇮🇳Just before the final […]

Mar 30, 2020
1256 views 6 mins

♦️China Must Be Made To Pay For The Chinese Virus♦️ 🇨🇳 China is where the virus began! 🇨🇳 China silenced whistleblowers! 🇨🇳 China covered it up! 🇨🇳 China lied about the extent of the outbreak & blamed others! 🇨🇳 China STILL lies about new cases! 🇨🇳 China refused offers to help contain the virus! 🇨🇳 […]

Mar 26, 2020
1286 views 57 secs

♦️Can these comical, creepy Modi Hating NRIs living in the US shut up about what India is not doing right and worry about the catastrophe staring America in the face? ♦️And whereas I believe that the curfew/lockdown/enforced isolation should have been more graded it is comical to see NRI #ModiHaters living in the US and […]

Mar 25, 2020
1107 views 40 secs

♦️The Union Govt has to announce a relief package to be supplemented by State Govts ♦️If Kerala and West Bengal (and even Delhi ) why not the Union Govt ? ♦️There are daily wagers, temp labourers, farm workers, rickshaw pullers, auto and cab drivers, delivery boys, courier boys, maid servants (who have been banned from […]

Mar 24, 2020
1105 views 2 secs

♦️ #CoronaVirusTimeBomb ♦️The Mumbai Slums are a ticking time bomb! ♦️Will we be able to defuse it in time? ♦️Do we have the wherewithal to defuse it at all? ♦️Just one infected patient could spell catastrophe for the entire city ♦️And then for the whole country ♦️What are we doing? ♦️At the Juhu Nehru Nagar […]