♦️Indians don’t like to be uncomfortable in a cinema hall♦️

♦️The last time a film maker tried to make a movie about a girl whose face had been disfigured in a childhood accident the audience did not connect with the movie and #RajKapoor suffered another heartbreak over the failure of his pet project #SatyamShivamSundaram
♦️The movie failed in spite of a generous dose of nudity, sensuality and the inevitable waterfall scene
♦️In #Chhapaak the leading lady also has a face that’s been disfigured; and that’s where the comparisons with RK’s Satyam Shivam Sundaram end…
♦️Chhappaak is a brilliant movie
♦️ #MeghnaGulzar has made a masterpiece at par with the best of the best!
♦️For those ululating with unbridled joy at the less than expected box office returns of #DeepikaPadukone’s film how much money did Satyajit Ray’s masterpiece #PatherPanchali earn?
♦️And when even #ZeenatAman’s luscious figure draped in virtually nothing could not get Indians to watch Satyam Shivam Sundaram to expect a seriously disturbing and bloody bone achingly brilliant piece of film-making like #Chhapaak to draw in Indian crowds is like asking for the Moon with Blue Cheese!
♦️If you see Chhapaak I promise you will be unable to sleep for at least 3 days!
♦️This Meghna Gulzar movie cuts to the bone!