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If Ram Had Killed Ravan Today, What Would The Libtards Have Said? By RKB

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♦️What if the present day liberals were alive when Shri Ram fought Ravana, over 12,500 years ago?
♦️Let us look at how they would have interpreted Rama’s victory over Ravana.
♦️One more example of North Indian Hindutva Fascism Against The South
*- #TheWire
♦️And they burned him:
*- #TheIndianExpress*
♦️Was Ram required to go all the way to Lanka to pick a fight? Where is our hospitality, our sense of culture? Why was Ravana being terrorized? Isn’t this one more example of anti-Dravidian fascism?
– #TheHindu
♦️India is not safe for women, kidnappers, cannibals and demons
– #BBC
♦️Do we want an India where a King burns down an entire empire, destroys an entire civilisation to secure his wife? Is that Constitutionally Sound?
*- #RevJohnDayal *
♦️An Open Letter to Ram; is my Wife in the jungle UNSAFE in his Ram Rajya:
– #RavishKumar
♦️Did Ram send Hanuman with a force of monkeys and bears (even squirrels) to Lanka against their will? Isn’t this cruelty:
♦️The devotees of Ram secured all the plum postings and social benefits in the country, therefore the kidnapping of Sita is justified:
– #BarkhaDutt
♦️Ravana Killed! A new age for Saffron Terror:
– #SagarikaGhose
♦️Ayodhya Diaries. How Truth about Ram and Sita was Hidden and Ravana was Framed:
– #RanaAyyub
♦️Haven’t the Constitutional Rights including the Universal Right To Life, Of King Ravana been blatantly and brazenly violated? :
– #RajdeepSardesai
♦️Ravana did not kidnap Sita, his frustration over centuries of exploitation by the Kshatriyas did:
– JNU Ultra Left
♦️One more example of anti-caste violence perpetrated by the Ruling Class Against peaceful island living Rakshasas:
*-# #SitaramYechury
♦️This is a clearcut and blatant violation of due process and Guaranteed Constitutional Rights wherein no one can take the law into their own hands:
♦️I toured Ayodhya and I realized Ram’s development model had failed:
– #RahulGandhi
♦️In this audacious mêlée of men beholden to avenge their own perspectives of right, as a populous, have we been smitten by the unhealthy obsessive adoration for war in an unprincipled, draconian world:
– #ShashiTharoor
♦️Ravana can come to my kingdom, we will ensure his safety:
– #MamataBanerjee
♦️The uncontrolled and wanton killing of the Rakshasa Army by North Indian Hindutva Fascists is a violation of the Geneva Convention:
– #AmnestyInternational
♦️We need the United Nations Security Council to intervene in this; we are requesting China to help us against Ram and we want Kashmir:
_ #ImranKhan