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Bollywood As A Propaganda Tool By RKB

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♦️Now watch Bollywood come up with a movie on repeal of Article 370 and 35A
♦️”Return Of Kashmir Ki Kali?” and NO #ShammiKapoor or #SharmilaTagore
♦️However in the same vein “GADAR; EK PREM KATHA” was among the best that reduced everything to a dualism that works best with Indian audiences (Indians are heroes, Pakis are ..well Pakistanis)
♦️And then there is the brilliantly written, directed and acted #URI It’s Brilliant! Bloody Brilliant! A particular version of recent history served up as a spaghetti western Sergio Leone would have been proud of!
♦️Followed by #Padman and #Toilet; A Love Story

♦️The others like the ultra inane The Accidental Prime Minister and the downright amateurish THE TASHKENT FILES were as Sovexport as you can ever get; unashamed propaganda masquerading as “higher” entertainment!
♦️Problem is with a potential clientele of 130 crore the taut, technically brilliant, beautifully made URI could well be the new norm that will determine Bollywood’s future as Propaganda Tool for a Right Wing future that has no critics like Pauline Kael or a smartass snot nosed mentally challenged “MAD” magazine to place things in perspective either!
♦️We are in for most interesting times!
♦️We know who will play Mr Modi
♦️Who will play Imran Khan?
♦️Any guesses?