WHEN EMPEROR AKBAR ISSUED A DIKTAT “NO HANUMAN/RAM DEVOTEE SHOULD BE HARMED IN THE MUGHAL EMPIRE” 🌹For the record Emperor Akbar (same guy played by Prithviraj Kapoor in K Asif’s Mughal-e-Azam) had issued a firman that “no devotee of Shri Ram or Hanuman should ever be harmed by anyone in the Empire” (From The Din […]
♦️So what’s it like being Mahesh Bhatt? ♦️The man who introduced more newcomers as film stars, as directors, cinematographers, film editors, sound editors, music directors, song writers, screenplay writers, story writers, dialogue writers (I could go on) than the whole of Bollywood put together? ♦️What’s it like being called the vile, noxious, obscene, disgusting and […]

♦️In 1582 an order was passed by #EmperorAkbar The Great to translate #The_Mahabharata into Persian. ♦️The Emperor called it “a Gift from God” (all the extremist Maulvis at Akbar’s Court were appalled; they cursed the Emperor and quietened down only after 3 of them were put to death by being crushed underfoot Akbar’s favourite elephant […]

♦️Itna Sannaata Kyon Hai Bhai? ♦️So?Mr #KaranJohar and Mr #MaheshBhatt told Ms #RheaChakraborty to harass and loot Mr #SushantSinghRajput ? ♦️Is that the new #ManiacMafia theory? ♦️Come ON! ♦️What happened to the #BollywoodMafia? ♦️#gangsofbollywood ? #Nepotism? ♦️The nexus that drove a young man to suicide? (I still maintain I am not convinced it’s suicide and […]

♦️Have people gone completely insane? ♦️If you keep targeting Bollywood in this manner what will you achieve? ♦️Change? ♦️Change for what? ♦️You wish to erase the remarkable body of work from people like #AdityaChopra, #KaranJohar, #MaheshBhatt, #AnuragKashyap, #SanjayLeelaBhansali and replace it with? ♦️Destroy #SalmanKhan, #HrithikRoshan, #AamirKhan, #ShahrukhKhan, #AliaBhatt, #DeepikaPadukone, #KareenaKapoor #JavedAkhtar, #RanbirKapoor, #RanveerSingh and replace […]
♦️We need to learn to live with floods ♦️With Bihar under flood waters for at least 3 months of the year (that’s one-fourth of the year) why has the Govt not considered all Housing and construction on stilts in the flood prone areas? ♦️They do that in the Philippines, in Thailand and even in parts […]

♦️#SushantSingh could not have committed suicide! Unless he did and I am a Lobotomised Lunatic ♦️And why has everyone very quietly accepted the theory that Mr Rajput’s tragic passing away had something to do with Bollywood? ♦️Why is no alternative theory being even considered? ♦️Someone somewhere comes up with this Great Bollywood Mafia theory and […]

♦️Write off Mrs Sonia Gandhi at your own peril ♦️1995-96…The Taj Mahal Hotel, Mumbai ♦️With my dear friend and elder brother the late #MurliDeora and of course Mrs #SoniaGandhi just before she took the plunge into active politics! ♦️Mrs. #Gandhi was kind enough to talk to me “on record” about how unhappy she was at […]

🤪DO INDIAN MUSLIMS HAVE HORNS, TAILS FANGS?🤪 ♦️Do Indian Muslims have tails, horns and fangs? No, they are as human (mentally, physically and emotionally) as most other Indians. ♦️Do they eat only Biryani, Korma, Kebabs and Beef for breakfast, lunch and dinner? No, they also love Gobi, Bhindi, Lauki, Kaddu, Tamatar, Karela, Paneer, Chana, Daal […]