Oct 14, 2020
3099 views 4 mins

♦️If you have ever lived in Delhi you must have heard of some places like #MoriGate, #TeesHazari, #Mithaipul , Gurudwara #MotiBagh (Nanak Pura), Gurudwara Sri Rajan Gani, Gurudwara Sri Bangla Saheb🌹It was the year 1783 when Sikh leader #BabaBaghelSingh conquered Delhi from the Mughal king #ShahAlam. On 11th March 1783, the Sikh army marched into […]

Oct 8, 2020
5832 views 6 mins

Elvis is alive!In the United States there is a whole set of people that refuse to believe Elvis Presley passed awayThey think it’s all a hoax conjured up by the Govt that has in fact sent Elvis on a top secret mission into Outer SpaceSo the announcement of his death, funeral and tributes were all […]

Sep 27, 2020
5520 views 3 mins

🌺The tukde tukde Gang has been replaced by the Nashedi-Ganjedi Gang🌺And it’s nicer looking, glamorous, full of sex, lies, drugs and Bollywood🌺They take drugs!🌺Drugs by God!🌺Drugs as in paracetamol?🌺Nope..hashish, marijuana, MD ( not the medical degree) MDMA, heroin, cocaine..🌺Eric Clapton notwithstanding I thought snorting, smoking and swivelling were passe🌺Even Ginsberg would turn up his nose […]

Sep 19, 2020
1202 views 4 mins

“barbād gulistāñ karne ko bas ek hī ullū kaafī thā“har shāḳh pe ullū baiThā hai anjām-e-gulistāñ kyā hogā 🌹So why should we listen to Kangana Ranaut?🌹She is a real nutter, wading into areas she knows nothing about, assumes whatever’s happened to her generally happens to each and everyone, and that everyone who disagrees with her […]

Sep 18, 2020
6729 views 5 mins

♦️When will we ever learn?♦️Give and take with China means India gives and China takes!♦️For the Chinese the LAC or Line of Actual Control has always meant the Line you can Actually Control♦️By putting our faith in diplomacy and a negotiated solution we are again playing into China’s hands♦️The Chinese are masters at protracted negotiations […]

Sep 17, 2020
1941 views 5 mins

🌺Bollywood was and remains the only place in India where it doesn’t matter if you are a Hindu, Muslim, Sikh, Christian, Jew, Buddhist, Jain, Atheist…whatever..🌺If you are talented enough, determined enough and have patience you will succeed no matter what the odds!🌺And Bollywood still remains the last bastion of unapologetic Hindu-Muslim unity symbolising the secular […]

Sep 14, 2020
954 views 4 mins

🥀Love and other drugs🥀It’s awful being in love! If what has happened to Rhea Chakraborty is any indication love may or may not kill you but it can send you to Byculla Jail.🥀What did she do really?🥀When you sieve through all the chaff all you get is a silly girl, in love with this amazing […]

Sep 10, 2020
2407 views 3 mins

🥀And so back to #KanganaRanaut..🥀Ouch! What I meant was back to #SushantSinghRajputCase and #RheaChakraborty🥀But just look at the deft manner in which #JusticeForSushantSingh has been shoved aside by #TeamKanganaRanaut🥀As was expected all the juices from the Sushant Singh Story having been sucked out so the real players can make their move🥀The idea, it appears, wasn’t […]

Sep 8, 2020
4888 views 3 mins

🌷The INDIANS land in France in World War IAnd liberate Neuve Chapelle(Clippings from THE DAILY MIRROR, London October 2, 1914)🌷On April 11, 2015 Prime Minister #NarendraModi paid tribute to the Indian Martyrs who laid down their lives for the liberation of France!🌷The Indian Corps, which was composed of the 3rd (Lahore) and 7th (Meerut) divisions, […]

Sep 8, 2020
1347 views 4 mins

♦️Why is it important to listen to Kangana Ranaut?♦️The essence of democracy is dissent♦️And an opposing point of view that may be completely and totally opposite and noxious to one’s most fondly held beliefs♦️When Kangana Ranaut says “Mumbai/Maharashtra is like PoK” it’s a statement that’s vile, obnoxious and designed to provoke exactly the kind of […]