Oct 12, 2019
1079 views 11 secs

WHY DO THEY HATE MUMBAI By RKB ♦️There is a stay on further construction of the Mumbai Coastal Road! ♦️My problem is the damage that even this amount of work may have caused the Worli inter-tidal ecosystem is already irreversible! ♦️And whereas an argument exists for the Metro Yard at Aarey (only I don’t buy […]

Oct 3, 2019
1032 views 2 mins

♦️Every little execrable Western Media Outlet adds the prefix Hindu Nationalist PM to #NarendraModi and #Modi is the Prime Minister of the Secular Socialist Republic Of India that Constitutionally grants EQUAL RIGHTS to ALL CITIZENS ♦️Remember how the Western Media would extol the virtues of a certain Saddam Hussein before everything went south? ♦️And a […]

Sep 13, 2019
5009 views 2 mins

♦️DAIRY FARMS ARE COW/BUFFALO PRISONS WHERE WE TORTURE COWS TO DEATH♦️ ♦️Prime Minister Narendra Modi just fed a Sahiwal Cow in Mathura just the other day Wonderful ♦️Her calf was on the floor right next to her, but did not have access to it’s mother ♦️That illustrates for me more than anything else the state […]

Sep 9, 2019
1032 views 59 secs

♦️My friend and one of the most amazing men I have ever met #RamJethmalani has passed on to that Big Court in the Sky to continue his brilliant legal arguments … ♦️On #THERKBSHOW on #SaharaSamayMumbai Mr #Jethmalani revealed how #DawoodIbrahim had called him once saying he wanted to surrender and stand trial! ♦️Jethamalani says he […]

Aug 29, 2019
984 views 48 secs

WHYEVER NOT? HOLLYWOOD’s BEEN DOING THAT FOR 75 YEARS! ♦️Now watch Bollywood come up with a movie on repeal of Article 370 and 35A ♦️”Return Of Kashmir Ki Kali?” and NO #ShammiKapoor or #SharmilaTagore ♦️However in the same vein “GADAR; EK PREM KATHA” was among the best that reduced everything to a dualism that works […]

Aug 22, 2019
6021 views 9 mins

♦️MUNIR KHAN SAVES LAKHS OF LIVES but the medical world is excited about a cure for the COMMON COLD♦️ First things first Munir Khan is a friend of mine And Munir Khan has saved over 5 lakh lives That’s right; OVER FIVE LAKH PEOPLE Personally I would give him at least a Padma Bhushan How […]

Jun 19, 2019
1472 views 20 secs

DECLARE BUILDING UNSAFE, EVICT TENANTS, MAKE MILLIONS by RKB & Adv Pradeep Nambiar ♦️On #THERKBSHOW a Building is declared unsafe under Sec 354 ♦️No one has seen the report under which it has been declared unsafe ♦️Vile Parle (East) Kanhaiya Building ♦️Water and Electricity cut off by BMC o ♦️Not for non-payment Of Bills ♦️But […]

Jun 13, 2019
1130 views 6 mins

🔴I wrote this 22 YEARS AGO as Editor of the only morning tabloid in the country at the time namely THE DAILY🔴 🔴 #MODI’s popularity should not have come as a surprise; this is HINDUSTAN WAKING UP from the sedated sleep of Fabian Secularism 🔴 ♦️Hindustan’s revenge – The Daily♦️ ♦️By Rajiv K Bajaj, Title: […]

May 30, 2019
1086 views 5 mins

Why Do We Change Some Road/Monument Names And Leave Some Alone? (Miniature above shows Dara Shikho, Aurangzeb and Shuja in happier times) By Amita Nayar Bajaj Changing of road n chowk names is a very political-flavour-of-the-period exercise! I remember the brouhaha over the name change of The Prince of Wales Museum here in Mumbai to […]

May 17, 2019
21140 views 3 mins

C P K NAIR ; THE GENTLEMAN HOTELIER By AMITA NAYAR BAJAJ So it really is the end of an era! Two titans of Indian industry have passed away…Rusi Mody n Capt CPK Nair of the The Leela gp of hotels… For us he was more than a friend, n came as close to being […]