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Mumbai is under attack!
On both the Western and the Eastern seaboard.
*So the city turned up at Marine Drive on March 30, to hold hands like Christians holding hands before being fed to the lions by the Romans!
*The Coastal Road, the extended Worli-Bandra-Versova Sealink, the Mumbai Metro, uncontrolled reclamation from the most ecologically sensitive areas of the sea, poisoning of the waters around all the jetties, transmogrification of Mumbai’s four rivers into sewers, legally ordered destruction of thousands of trees over a couple of 100 years old in the Aarey Forest, wanton destruction of the Sanjay Gandhi National Wildlife sanctuary (the only wildlife sanctuary within a City’s limits anywhere in the world)…
*So why is Mumbai being sought to be destroyed?
*Do they hate Mumbai and all it represents?
*Or are these just Boys with Toys with a destructive streak?
*They have murdered tens of thousands of precious mangroves and the living/breathing/thriving inter-tidal ecosystems on the fragile coastlines
*They have destroyed miles upon miles of salt pans all so that ghastly towers could be constructed on them
*They are now ripping apart the bottom of the beaches of Mumbai for their coastal road; soon we shall have no beaches left, exterminated for a coastal road that less than one percent of the people of Mumbai will use.
*It’s the most expensive piece of metalled freeway that will ever be built and the havoc it will leave in its wake will probably see a *Mumbai without beaches, without green cover and ready to drown in the first abnormal high tide that will hit our coast along with over 550 mm of rain…
*And so the city turned up at Marine Drive
*Hoping their hand holding would destroy the wet dream of these Boys With Bulldozers, Earth Movers, Rock Crushers!
On July 26, 2005 Mumbai drowned
Well only the Northern part of it beyond Mahim Causeway
South Mumbai remained dry
If you are looking for justice here’s the thing!
Once the Coastal Road goes through Girgaum Chowpatty through Malabar Hill through Napeansea Road through Priyadarshini Park and meets the Arabian Sea to begin its destruction on steroids fuelled journey South Mumbai would have put out a WELCOME sign to any storm surge coming through from the West..and that means those Cuffe Parade Fat Cats will feel the full force of the leaked pipe Mumbai would have become!
It will drown too!
There’s this thing about Mother Earth…
You shit on her too much, she shits you right back!
So don’t say I didn’t warn you…
There’s a HUGE PAYBACK coming.
And we shall be asked to foot the bill for our silence!