🌹There was a time, less than 50 years ago, when the whole Opposition stood like a rock behind then Prime Minister Indira Gandhi during the 1971 War with Pakistan 🌹All parties, bar none, extended unconditional support to Mrs Gandhi since “the country faced a common enemy” 🌹Leading the Opposition’s unconditional support for the then PM […]

🌺Jai Bajrang Bali🌺 🌺Ravana’s physician Sushena tells Hanuman “To get the Sanjeevani Plant from the mountain you will have to use all your wisdom and all your strength; and the mountain will test you like you have never been tested before “ 🌺Hanuman asks “That Plant will save My Lord?” 🌺Sushena replies “ Yes it […]

♦️And this for my very dear friends on the extreme/lunatic end of everything ♦️Just a few things worth remembering: 🇮🇳The slogan “Mādarē Vatan Bhārat Ki Jai” was composed in 1857 by #AzeemUllahKhan (which later evolved into Bharat Mata Ki Jai, the above is the original) •🇮🇳The Slogan “Jai Hind” was the work of #AbidHassanSafrani •🇮🇳The […]

♦️Aum Shree Ganeshaya Namah! ♦️The Govt Of India bans 59 Chinese apps ♦️All liberals/leftists have a field day poking fun at the PM! ♦️One worthy even stated on Twitter “we have taken revenge for the surrender of Ladakh; we have banned TikTok” ♦️And the chorus of dimwitted dunderheads joins in the laughter! ♦️So the Chinese […]

🐅HOW SARISKA TIGER RESERVE WAS SAVED🐅 🐅In 2005 the Project Tiger agency found that the Sariska Tiger Reserve had no tigers left; all killed by poachers 🐅Then a Bold experiment was tried out to save Sariska; today there are 20 tigers in the Reserve 🐅In July 2008, two tigers from Ranthambhore National Park were relocated […]

🌹WHEN BALBIR SINGH OFFERED NAMAZ WITH ASLAM SHER KHAN🌹 🇮🇳This is MY INDIA! Isn’t it YOURS? 🇮🇳The Great two time Olympic Hockey Champion #BalbirSingh Sr was Coach and Manager of the Indian Hockey Team for the 1975 World Cup at Kuala Lumpur (the only time India won the Hockey World Cup) 🇮🇳Just before the final […]

♦️Finally a cup of strong, very black coffee, no sugar! ♦️Feeling fatigued, with every bone ready to go in a different direction ♦️Maybe it’s the bloody beard that’s making me so tired ♦️Or maybe it’s just obsessing about the Chinese ♦️And how will Prime Minister #Modi get rid of them ♦️And how we can help […]

♦️Whatever alleged de-escalation happens now between India and China it is just postponing the inevitable conflict ♦️India will have to push China out by force of arms ♦️Rest is just smoke and mirrors ♦️Depends on when the Armed Forces are ready ♦️And when OUR Govt develops an iron will ♦️The nation is ready; the Modi […]