Dec 15, 2017
2971 views 2 mins

Losing Gujarat May Not Be So Bad By RKB What happens now that all EXIT POLLS have said BJP is winning Gujarat? As in what happens to Rahul Gandhi’s Congress? If the Congress gets past the figure of 70 (seventy) in a 182 member House that will be A VICTORY FOR RAHUL GANDHI For the […]

Dec 4, 2017
2890 views 3 mins

POONAWALA, OUR MAN ON THE MOON By RKB Incredible! Shehzad Poonawala has beaten ISRO to its first Man-Moon Mission! Poonawala was and remains OUR FIRST INDIAN ON THE MOON! What else explains Poonawala’s explanation with regard to his gripe at Rahul Gandhi’s elevation to the President of the Congress Party? Which party had he been […]

Nov 27, 2017
3281 views 3 mins

Munir Khan Needs To Be Honoured By RKB Munir Khan is a friend of mine! No, I have never tried his one medicine for all ailments! Thankfully I have never fallen ill…so far! However I have seen other people take his tonic and swear by it! Seven years ago I had asked people who had […]

Nov 24, 2017
3260 views 3 mins

Will Rahul Gandhi’s Congress Commit To 125%? And Mortgage India’s Future? By RKB Will Rahul Gandhi win Gujarat with a promise of reservations for Patel’s? A promise that is unlikely to be fulfilled considering Supreme Court rulings on the subject of granting more than 50% reservation! And then there are the rest! Patidars in Gujarat, […]

Nov 23, 2017
3136 views 3 mins

  Rane Makes BJP Unbeatable By RKB I have known Narayan Rane a long, long time! Almost 25 years! You can fault Rane on so many things; he is impulsive, gets angry quickly, a very thin skin! But if there is one thing about Rane that no one can point a finger at is his […]

Nov 22, 2017
4280 views 2 mins

Why Krishna Hegde In BJP Spells Doom For Congress By RKB Krishna Hegde was only an MLA of the Congress in Mumbai from Parle. He was loyal to the point of the unbelieveable! The late Sunil Dutt, MP loved him like a son! But then so did Balasaheb Thackeray (Hegde’s father-in-law was in the Shiv […]

Nov 21, 2017
3181 views 2 mins

Is Karni Sena, Hindu Maha Sabha, Kshatriya Sena working to ensure victory for Rahul Gandhi? By RKB This may sound strange but Rahul Gandhi’s greatest allies/assets are in the form of the Karni Sena, Kshatriya Sena, Hindu Maha Sabha and other such saffron outfits The more they are allowed to go out of control with […]

Nov 17, 2017
4243 views 2 mins

The Stars Favour Rahul Gandhi, But Narendra Modi is the Mountain…!!! By RKB ( Astrologically and logically speaking Shri Rahul Gandhi’s Congress will perform very well in Gujarat ! Will they win Gujarat? Nope! Congress is unlikely to win Gujarat! And BJP’s victory may look like a defeat This is because Rahul Gandhi is finally […]