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Nawab’s School Transforms Kurla By RKB

In Author 1, Blog, Featured, Mumbai, Rajiv K Bajaj
November 05, 2018
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Nawab Malik’s Al Baraakat School Transforms Kurla

With our very dear and respected friend Nawab Malik and Adv Pradeep Nambiar on www.therkbshow.com/rkbnewsite
Nawab Malik of the NCP has been one of the most secular, most accessible and most people friendly politicians in this part of the world!
Notwithstanding all the hurdles, obstacles and road blocks Nawab Malik has managed Kurla like no one else…do remember Kurla has height restrictions, building limitations and just about every other rule and regulation Nawab has transformed the area…
The icing on the cake is of course the Al Baraakat School founded by Nawab that’s more modern, better equipped than most other schools in Mumbai…brilliant! bloody Brilliant!