Blog, Mumbai, Rajiv K Bajaj
July 29, 2021
878 views 20 secs 0

They Did Not Apologise by RKB

🌹 #GHADAR Party; DOES ANYONE REMEMBER🌹🌹They NEVER apologised for fighting for India!♦️ #SardarSohanSinghBhakna Was Founding President of The #GhadarParty (that’s him in the picture)♦️He Was Imprisoned For 16 Years to the Cellular Jail in Andamans (Kaala Paani) in the #LahoreConspiracyTrial !🌹#SardarSantokhSingh NEVER apologised!♦️Does anyone remember him?♦️ #TheGhadarParty, initially the Pacific Coast Hindustan Association, was formed […]

Blog, Mumbai, Rajiv K Bajaj
July 26, 2021
181 views 30 secs 0

When Shiva Is Reborn by RKB

🌳HAR HAR MAHADEV🌳🌹All The Puranas agree that upon reaching Varanasi, Brahma’s fifth skull falls off Shiva’s, as in Bhikshatana’s, palm at a place now called Kapala-mochana (“liberating from the skull”) and Vishaksena’s corpse disappears.🌹The sin, personified by Brahmahatya, vanishes into hell.🌹Vishaksena is resurrected🌹The sanctified Bhairava-Shiva, having bathed in the sacred pond in Varanasi, casts off […]

Blog, Featured, Rajiv K Bajaj
June 08, 2021
844 views 3 mins 0

Kejriwal Should Get Yadav, Bhushan, Gandhi To Rejoin AAP Or Remain A Small Local Outfit by RKB

♦️GET BACK TOGETHER OR FACE EXTINCTION♦️The barely controllable self serving satisfaction on #YogendraYadav’s face has to be seen to be believed each time #AAP loses an election anywhere!♦️After that unprecedented 67 out of 70 in 2015 in Delhi it’s clear #Kejriwal needed Yadav, Bhushan, Vishwas, Gandhi♦️Right now he only has #ManishSisodia♦️And that may account for […]

Blog, Bollywood, Featured, Mumbai, Rajiv K Bajaj
June 05, 2021
1387 views 4 mins 0

Muslim Poets Who Loved Sri Krishna by RKB

This is definitely going to get all my Sanghi friends and my Wahabi pals fired up to see I get deported to Pakistan (or wherever)It’s a different thing altogether that the Pakistanis don’t want an idiot like me either…an inspired idiot who still believes Hindus, Muslims, Christians, Sikhs, Jains, Buddhists, Parsees, Jews will overcome the […]

Blog, Featured, New Delhi, Rajiv K Bajaj
May 24, 2021
547 views 2 mins 0

Congress MUST Appoint Priyanka As President, Get To Work Or Disappear by RKB

♦️So what does Congress need to do now?♦️Give #PriyankaGandhiVadra a free run♦️She looks like Mrs Indira Gandhi, and is working like her!♦️Resurrect mohalla committees♦️Let them begin to work with ordinary people again the way the used to in the 50s, 60s, 70s and early 80s♦️Let people know on social media that in case they have […]

Blog, Featured, Investigation, Rajiv K Bajaj
May 10, 2021
1388 views 5 mins 0

International Big Pharma/Big Oil COVID Conspiracy To Undermine Modi by RKB

It’s Not Just The COVID 2nd Wave, It’s the International Finance/Pharma Conspiracy To Destroy Modi and Weaken India♦️China Must Be Made To Pay For The Chinese Virus 🇨🇳 China is where the virus began! 🇨🇳 China silenced whistleblowers! 🇨🇳 China covered it up! 🇨🇳China lied about the extent of the outbreak & blamed others! 🇨🇳China […]

Blog, Bollywood, Featured, Mumbai, Rajiv K Bajaj
May 09, 2021
980 views 13 secs 0

From Ghalib To Saqi, Drink That’s Divine by RKB

🥃That Drink That Drinks Us All🥃 एक ही विषय पर 5 शायरों का अलग नजरिया…. जरूर पढें :- आप उर्दू शायरी की महानता की दाद देने पर मज़बूर हो जाएंगे….. 1- Mirza Ghalib: 1797-1869 “शराब पीने दे मस्जिद में बैठ कर,या वो जगह बता जहाँ ख़ुदा नहीं।” ……. इसका जवाब लगभग 100 साल बाद मोहम्मद […]