Balasaheb Would Be Beaming With Pride At Uddhav’s Courage By RKB
If Balasaheb Thackeray had been around today he would probably be unable to call Byron his laughter and his pride; laughter at what his son Uddhav Thackeray has managed to do as in cobble 3 hostile parties together and beaming with pride at finally seeing a Thackeray as Chief Minister of Maharashtra! Balasaheb was a […]
Never Write Off Uddhav Thackeray by RKB
When Narayan Rane left the Shiv Sena everyone (apart from a few idiots like me) were writing the obituary of the Shiv Sena They said Uddhav Thackeray will never be able to hold his flock together That Uddhav Thackeray is more interested in his wildlife photography and badminton That he does not have what it […]
Coastal Road; Destroying Mumbai One Beach At A Time By RKB
WHY DO THEY HATE MUMBAI By RKB ♦️There is a stay on further construction of the Mumbai Coastal Road! ♦️My problem is the damage that even this amount of work may have caused the Worli inter-tidal ecosystem is already irreversible! ♦️And whereas an argument exists for the Metro Yard at Aarey (only I don’t buy […]
Why is Radical Islamic PM Imran Khan of Pakistan Not Referred To As A Jihadist? By RKB
♦️Every little execrable Western Media Outlet adds the prefix Hindu Nationalist PM to #NarendraModi and #Modi is the Prime Minister of the Secular Socialist Republic Of India that Constitutionally grants EQUAL RIGHTS to ALL CITIZENS ♦️Remember how the Western Media would extol the virtues of a certain Saddam Hussein before everything went south? ♦️And a […]
We Kill Cows Slowly, Horribly And We Worship Them? By RKB
♦️DAIRY FARMS ARE COW/BUFFALO PRISONS WHERE WE TORTURE COWS TO DEATH♦️ ♦️Prime Minister Narendra Modi just fed a Sahiwal Cow in Mathura just the other day Wonderful ♦️Her calf was on the floor right next to her, but did not have access to it’s mother ♦️That illustrates for me more than anything else the state […]
When Dawood Told Jethmalani “I Want To Surrender” by RKB
♦️My friend and one of the most amazing men I have ever met #RamJethmalani has passed on to that Big Court in the Sky to continue his brilliant legal arguments … ♦️On #THERKBSHOW on #SaharaSamayMumbai Mr #Jethmalani revealed how #DawoodIbrahim had called him once saying he wanted to surrender and stand trial! ♦️Jethamalani says he […]
Bollywood As A Propaganda Tool By RKB
WHYEVER NOT? HOLLYWOOD’s BEEN DOING THAT FOR 75 YEARS! ♦️Now watch Bollywood come up with a movie on repeal of Article 370 and 35A ♦️”Return Of Kashmir Ki Kali?” and NO #ShammiKapoor or #SharmilaTagore ♦️However in the same vein “GADAR; EK PREM KATHA” was among the best that reduced everything to a dualism that works […]