Can There Be Baba Bulldozer In A Democracy? by RKB

428 views 2 mins

The bulldozer may raise major questions about due process, but Uttar Pradesh has never been as safe as it is now So what’s the solution? Simply this; we have a great set of laws Let’s implement them strictly, firmly and fairly for everybody The Bulldozer for me represents the utter failure of the criminal justice […]


The Gandhis Can Revive Congress;Its Just Hard Work by RKB

607 views 5 mins

🌹Will Congress as in #SoniaGandhi Ji #RahulGandhi Ji #PriyankaGandhi Ji PLEASE wake up?🌹We NEED the #Congress to remain strong, vigorous and focused!🌹Perhaps now the Congress could resurrect the #SevaDal, the #MahilaCongress, the #YouthCongress and the #NSUI plus all the trade unions and Co-operatives you were associated with?🌹Maybe now’s the time to begin again when no […]


Ya Ali, Jai Bajrang Bali; India Has Changed by RKB

932 views 4 mins

🌺India has changed🌺Parts of Hindoo India have become more assertive🌺That looks like fascism to a lot of people🌺And yes this assertive, aggressive, angry bit of Sanghi angst gets to be violent, stupid, ignorant, cruel and downright anti-Hindu or Hindoo…whatever you want to call it🌺What these dimwitted dunderheads don’t realise is they are destroying the all-embracing […]


Saraswati River Can Be Revived; But Govt’s Way Of Doing It Will Only Kill More Rivers by RKB

820 views 9 mins

Can the Saraswati river be revived ?Yes it can says the Haryana GovernmentYes it can say water experts tooFor instance Rajinder Singh, the recipient of the International Water Prize and the man responsible for actually reviving six extinct rivers in Rajasthan says “ it’s a slow, painstaking process where the underground water aquifers have to […]


I Am A Hindu And Will Not Rest Till I Get Kashi Vishwanath & Krishna Janmasthan By RKB

906 views 7 mins

“I Am A Proud “Hindoo” and I Need Kashi Vishwanath and Krishna Janmasthan”By RKBWhenever a Hindu begins to assert his own “Hindoo” identity why is he labelled a fascist, Sanghi, Hindutvawadi and so on?The liberal definition of a Hindu is one who ought to be embarrassed of his/her own Hindu-ness!Notice our most respected and academically […]


Renaming Aurangzeb Road After Dara Shikoh Would Have Been Poetic Justice by Amita Nayar Bajaj

652 views 5 mins

🌹I wrote this some years back when the name change took place a few years ago, and I recall how on my daughter’s first day in Jamnabai Narsee School here in Juhu Mumbai way back in 1999 , the first friend she made that rainy day was a girl called Manali who told me very […]


Janmashtami, Krishna and The Krishna Tree by RKB

989 views 54 secs

🌺Happy Janmashtami🌺When #Krishna was caught by mother #Yashoda with butter he had just stolen he tried to hide it in leaves by rolling up the leaves of a fig tree in the shape of a cup; the leaves have retained their cuplike shape since then; the story goes the leaves still wait for Krishna to […]


What Congress Could Have Done, And Still Can by RKB

1103 views 3 mins

🌹Will Congress as in #SoniaGandhi Ji #RahulGandhi Ji #PriyankaGandhi Ji PLEASE wake up?🌹We NEED the #Congress to remain strong, vigorous and focused!🌹While you keep trying to fly on #Pegasus:🌹Petrol at ₹107.83 per litre and Diesel at ₹97.45🌹Vegetables and other consumables so high priced as to be almost out of reach of everyone🌹Some dals (pulses) at […]


JAI SIYA RAM! Was Sri Ram A Meat Eater? And What’s Wrong With That by RKB

1460 views 12 mins

♦️JAI SIYA RAM ♦️♦️Shri Ram Was A Non-Vegetarian?♦️This is research conducted by Shri #Kandukuri, a Sanatan Dharma and Ramayana researcher…not my work! (I wish it was mine)….and many other researchers who have studied and worked on all 300 Ramayanas over centuries!♦️And do remember this was a time when there was no guilt attached to meat […]


They Did Not Apologise by RKB

878 views 20 secs

🌹 #GHADAR Party; DOES ANYONE REMEMBER🌹🌹They NEVER apologised for fighting for India!♦️ #SardarSohanSinghBhakna Was Founding President of The #GhadarParty (that’s him in the picture)♦️He Was Imprisoned For 16 Years to the Cellular Jail in Andamans (Kaala Paani) in the #LahoreConspiracyTrial !🌹#SardarSantokhSingh NEVER apologised!♦️Does anyone remember him?♦️ #TheGhadarParty, initially the Pacific Coast Hindustan Association, was formed […]


When Shiva Is Reborn by RKB

181 views 30 secs

🌳HAR HAR MAHADEV🌳🌹All The Puranas agree that upon reaching Varanasi, Brahma’s fifth skull falls off Shiva’s, as in Bhikshatana’s, palm at a place now called Kapala-mochana (“liberating from the skull”) and Vishaksena’s corpse disappears.🌹The sin, personified by Brahmahatya, vanishes into hell.🌹Vishaksena is resurrected🌹The sanctified Bhairava-Shiva, having bathed in the sacred pond in Varanasi, casts off […]


Brig Bawa’s Kargil Account Is Easily The Best Book On Kargil Ever by RKB

2302 views 11 mins

“This is a book that should be prescribed reading for all school kids to know the real heroes of Kargil and for defence writers to know how a war story ought to be written”RKBMASHKOH; KARGIL AS I SAW IT by Brigadier Umesh Singh Bawa, Vir Chakra, Sena Medal published by Notion Press This is a […]


Will Modi Ji Get His Babus Out Of The Way And Allow India To Prosper? By RKB

739 views 10 mins

Can We Stop Gloating Over Pakistan’s Misery and Look At How Even Bangladesh Has Overtaken Us?Will India and Pakistan ever get around to a civilised relationship where we don’t threaten to kill each other and drain each others’ resources in a war of intimidation that’s lasted 73 years?Let me put it another wayIf we don’t […]


Kejriwal Should Get Yadav, Bhushan, Gandhi To Rejoin AAP Or Remain A Small Local Outfit by RKB

844 views 3 mins

♦️GET BACK TOGETHER OR FACE EXTINCTION♦️The barely controllable self serving satisfaction on #YogendraYadav’s face has to be seen to be believed each time #AAP loses an election anywhere!♦️After that unprecedented 67 out of 70 in 2015 in Delhi it’s clear #Kejriwal needed Yadav, Bhushan, Vishwas, Gandhi♦️Right now he only has #ManishSisodia♦️And that may account for […]


Muslim Poets Who Loved Sri Krishna by RKB

1387 views 4 mins

This is definitely going to get all my Sanghi friends and my Wahabi pals fired up to see I get deported to Pakistan (or wherever)It’s a different thing altogether that the Pakistanis don’t want an idiot like me either…an inspired idiot who still believes Hindus, Muslims, Christians, Sikhs, Jains, Buddhists, Parsees, Jews will overcome the […]


Congress MUST Appoint Priyanka As President, Get To Work Or Disappear by RKB

547 views 2 mins

♦️So what does Congress need to do now?♦️Give #PriyankaGandhiVadra a free run♦️She looks like Mrs Indira Gandhi, and is working like her!♦️Resurrect mohalla committees♦️Let them begin to work with ordinary people again the way the used to in the 50s, 60s, 70s and early 80s♦️Let people know on social media that in case they have […]


Modi Fights Back; International Conspiracy Against India Fails by RKB

1068 views 5 mins

This is when I say I told you so and you say you are a Modi Bhakta, Sanghi, RSS Gunda, Bajrang Dal lumpen’Great!Wonderful!Rock ‘n rollAll the NGOs (Non-Govt Organisations) whose FCRA licenses had been cancelled/put on hold because of their failure to submit credible audited accounts on what they had done with the monies received […]


International Big Pharma/Big Oil COVID Conspiracy To Undermine Modi by RKB

1388 views 5 mins

It’s Not Just The COVID 2nd Wave, It’s the International Finance/Pharma Conspiracy To Destroy Modi and Weaken India♦️China Must Be Made To Pay For The Chinese Virus 🇨🇳 China is where the virus began! 🇨🇳 China silenced whistleblowers! 🇨🇳 China covered it up! 🇨🇳China lied about the extent of the outbreak & blamed others! 🇨🇳China […]


From Ghalib To Saqi, Drink That’s Divine by RKB

980 views 13 secs

🥃That Drink That Drinks Us All🥃 एक ही विषय पर 5 शायरों का अलग नजरिया…. जरूर पढें :- आप उर्दू शायरी की महानता की दाद देने पर मज़बूर हो जाएंगे….. 1- Mirza Ghalib: 1797-1869 “शराब पीने दे मस्जिद में बैठ कर,या वो जगह बता जहाँ ख़ुदा नहीं।” ……. इसका जवाब लगभग 100 साल बाद मोहम्मद […]


Never Forget; How Lt Ummer Fayaz Was Murdered By Hizbul Hijras by RKB

893 views 2 mins

🇮🇳ALWAYS REMEMBER; NEVER FORGET! Lt UMMER FAYAZ (CHINAR CORPS) TORTURED AND MURDERED BY HIZBUL MUJAHEDDIN MURDERERS🇮🇳Lieutenant #UmmerFayaz (8 June 1994 – 9/10 May 2017) an Indian Army officer who was abducted and killed in May 2017 by Lashkar-e-Taiba and Hizbul Mujahideen militants in Jammu and Kashmir, India.🇮🇳Lt Fayaz He had been commissioned as a Lieutenant […]


The Bloodiest Massacre (Of Hindus) By Christians (Portuguese) The World Knows Nothing About by RKB

566 views 9 mins

How Hindus Were Tortured & Massacred At The Hands Of The Christian (read Roman Catholic) Portuguese And this for THE PEOPLE OF PEACE….Please do read how tolerant, how liberal and how full of love Christianity was first to the Old Roman Gods and then to the HINDOOS…. “However, the cruelest blow to the Pagans came […]


Did The Black Fungus Thru Oxygen Supply Kill Rohit Sardana by RKB

1484 views 5 mins

♦️How did Rohit Sardana Really Die?♦️This Oxygen Supply Can Kill You ♦️A dangerous fungal infection is killing patients AFTER they have recovered from Covid-19 infection.♦️The disease is Mucormycosis and can be fatal. It infects those who have been on oxygen support for five days or more. So, the oxygen which gives you life, actually may […]


2nd Corona Wave In India Is China’s Revenge by RKB

1067 views 10 mins

The Great Chinese COVID Conspiracy To Destroy India 🌹Here goes the greatest conspiracy theory to cover up every Govt failure in the world🌹This is what’s been circulating as a What’s App forward for sometime now🌹The Western world and China conspired to hit India with a Corona Second Wave to cripple us and destroy the Magnificent […]


Sinister Plan To Convert India To Christianity by RKB

533 views 9 mins

Sinister Plan To Convert India To Christianity When Gurudwaras provide langar (community kitchens) medical services and succour to the weak, the hungry, the poor the Sikhs don’t ask them to convert to SikhismWhen mosques and Dargah’s provide medical facilities, food and relief to the deprived they don’t ask them to convert to IslamWhen RSS volunteers […]


The Miracle Of The Two Holy Mosques by RKB

770 views 6 mins

THE MIRACLE THE TWO HOLY MOSQUES 🌹This is the real story of Allah’s miraclesAnd how what seems impossible actually happens to the devoted, the pious, the sincere, honest people🌹He was an unassuming, modest, shy hardworking devoted Muslim Egyptian engineer and architect who preferred to guard his privacy more than anything else!🌹Dr. Muhammad Kamal Isma’eel (1908 […]


A Tale Of Torture, Persecution and Exploitation; the NINE Migrations (EXODUS) of Kashmiri Pandits by RKB

655 views 12 mins

A Tale Of Torture, Persecution and Exploitation; the NINE Migrations (EXODUS) of Kashmiri PanditsBy RKB🥀First Migration ZUL QADIR KHAN a Turkish Tartar reigned in Kashmir for eight months In 1320 AD and resorted to loot of Hindus resulting in the death of many. He took 20,000 Kashmiris all hindus, including women and children, for sale […]


What Really Happened To Raja Jaichand by RKB

1883 views 5 mins

♦️A very, very dear friend of mine just said that India has more to fear from the Jaichands opposing the #CAA #NRC and #FarmBills than the enemies abroad, somewhat erroneously; but then that’s the imagery which is being sought to be employed right now…♦️And no, I am not discussing the Farm Bills here but I […]


Rani Abbakka; Queen Of The South, Scourge Of The Portugese, Betrayed By Her Own by RKB

2259 views 9 mins

A 16th CENTURY INDIAN QUEEN WHO STRUCK TERROR IN THE HEARTS OF THE PORTUGESE🌹A 16th Century Queen Of Karnataka’s Ullal who dared to challenge Portuguese power, defeated them in battle many times, formed alliances with Arabs, Zamorins and Turks in the end only to be betrayed by her own!🌹Rani Abbakka and her heroic battle to […]


If Pangong Tso Can Be Claimed By China, Xinjiang is INDIAN by RKB

1670 views 4 mins



Pandrethan; Enchanted Temple Of Shiva Where Magic Happens near Srinagar by RKB

1805 views 3 mins

Meruvardhanaswami temple at Pandrethan just 3-4 kms outside Srinagar in Jammu and Kashmir, (B&W pic taken in 1868) Pandrethan, now mostly in ruins, is one of Kashmir’s historic capitals.Kalhana in his poetical accounts of Kashmiri history entitled #Rajatarangini says Pandrethan was founded by king Pravarsena in the 6th century AD.Its name thus derives from Puranadishthana […]


Hind Ki Chaadar; Guru Tegh Bahadur’s Martyrdom & What It Means by RKB

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1851 views 3 mins

🌹MARTYRDOM DAY OF GURU SAHEB SRI TEGH BAHADUR and the Battle For The Soul Of A Nation 🌹Nov 24, 1675 (some historians say Nov 11) #HindKiChadar Guru #TeghBahadur Saheb was beheaded by Emperor #Aurangzeb at Chandni Chowk, Delhi where the #SisGanj Gurudwara stands now; a disciple stole Guru Saheb’s body where it had been left […]


Saraighat; Where Aurangzeb Suffered His Worst Defeat by RKB

1599 views 3 mins

How The Ahoms Destroyed Aurangzeb’s Magnificent Eastern Army at Saraighat🌹LACHIT BORPHUKAN’s BIRTH ANNIVERSARY; DO YOU EVEN KNOW WHO HE WAS? 🌹♦️The man who destroyed Emperor #Aurangzeb’s magnificent Eastern Army on the Brahmaputra at Saraighat in 1671 is a name unknown outside Assam; #LachitBorphukan ‘s combination of guerilla and marine tactics decimated a Mughal Army 3 […]


The Day Baba Baghel Singh’s Sikhs Captured Red Fort; Did You Learn That In School? By RKB

3099 views 4 mins

♦️If you have ever lived in Delhi you must have heard of some places like #MoriGate, #TeesHazari, #Mithaipul , Gurudwara #MotiBagh (Nanak Pura), Gurudwara Sri Rajan Gani, Gurudwara Sri Bangla Saheb🌹It was the year 1783 when Sikh leader #BabaBaghelSingh conquered Delhi from the Mughal king #ShahAlam. On 11th March 1783, the Sikh army marched into […]


Elvis Is Alive and Sushant Singh Rajput Was Murdered by RKB

5832 views 6 mins

Elvis is alive!In the United States there is a whole set of people that refuse to believe Elvis Presley passed awayThey think it’s all a hoax conjured up by the Govt that has in fact sent Elvis on a top secret mission into Outer SpaceSo the announcement of his death, funeral and tributes were all […]


Tukde-Tukde Gang Replaced By Ganjedi-Nashedi Gang; Deepika Is The New White Rabbit by RKB

5520 views 3 mins

🌺The tukde tukde Gang has been replaced by the Nashedi-Ganjedi Gang🌺And it’s nicer looking, glamorous, full of sex, lies, drugs and Bollywood🌺They take drugs!🌺Drugs by God!🌺Drugs as in paracetamol?🌺Nope..hashish, marijuana, MD ( not the medical degree) MDMA, heroin, cocaine..🌺Eric Clapton notwithstanding I thought snorting, smoking and swivelling were passe🌺Even Ginsberg would turn up his nose […]


Suppose, Just Suppose What If Kangana Ranaut Is Telling The Truth? By RKB

1202 views 4 mins

“barbād gulistāñ karne ko bas ek hī ullū kaafī thā“har shāḳh pe ullū baiThā hai anjām-e-gulistāñ kyā hogā 🌹So why should we listen to Kangana Ranaut?🌹She is a real nutter, wading into areas she knows nothing about, assumes whatever’s happened to her generally happens to each and everyone, and that everyone who disagrees with her […]


India Will Have To Push Out The Chinese By Force; Diplomacy Will Do Nothing by RKB

6729 views 5 mins

♦️When will we ever learn?♦️Give and take with China means India gives and China takes!♦️For the Chinese the LAC or Line of Actual Control has always meant the Line you can Actually Control♦️By putting our faith in diplomacy and a negotiated solution we are again playing into China’s hands♦️The Chinese are masters at protracted negotiations […]


Pak ISI Could Not Do In 70yrs What Screeching TV, Banana Republic & Troll Army Has Done In 7 Weeks To Bollywood by RKB

1941 views 5 mins

🌺Bollywood was and remains the only place in India where it doesn’t matter if you are a Hindu, Muslim, Sikh, Christian, Jew, Buddhist, Jain, Atheist…whatever..🌺If you are talented enough, determined enough and have patience you will succeed no matter what the odds!🌺And Bollywood still remains the last bastion of unapologetic Hindu-Muslim unity symbolising the secular […]


Kangana On Prime Time, Rhea In Jail; #SSR Case? What’s That? By RKB

954 views 4 mins

🥀Love and other drugs🥀It’s awful being in love! If what has happened to Rhea Chakraborty is any indication love may or may not kill you but it can send you to Byculla Jail.🥀What did she do really?🥀When you sieve through all the chaff all you get is a silly girl, in love with this amazing […]


Why I Stand With Arnab Goswami, not his politics or journalism by RKB

901 views 5 mins

♦️Why do I stand with Arnab Goswami?♦️It’s simple; if you need to fight Goswami’s high decibel, high pitched, either you are with me or against the nation (as in I am the nation) you need to be so immersed in facts, logic and fairness that anything against you will be seen as unjust, unfair and […]


Kangana Ranaut Has Been Hurt; But She Has Been Quite Horrid Herself by RKB

1195 views 4 mins

🥀It is tragic (and at times catastrophic) when anyone’s house, part of a house or part of anything you have built is demolished!🥀Coming right down to it, there is nothing that can be more awful than seeing the structure you have built with such loving care and fond hopes brought down🥀Sure it may have been […]


So It Wasn’t About #SSR At All; It’s All About #KanganaRanaut and Screech TV by RKB

2407 views 3 mins

🥀And so back to #KanganaRanaut..🥀Ouch! What I meant was back to #SushantSinghRajputCase and #RheaChakraborty🥀But just look at the deft manner in which #JusticeForSushantSingh has been shoved aside by #TeamKanganaRanaut🥀As was expected all the juices from the Sushant Singh Story having been sucked out so the real players can make their move🥀The idea, it appears, wasn’t […]


Modi Is The 1st PM To Pay Homage To Indian Soldiers Who Fought To Liberate France In World War I By RKB

4888 views 3 mins

🌷The INDIANS land in France in World War IAnd liberate Neuve Chapelle(Clippings from THE DAILY MIRROR, London October 2, 1914)🌷On April 11, 2015 Prime Minister #NarendraModi paid tribute to the Indian Martyrs who laid down their lives for the liberation of France!🌷The Indian Corps, which was composed of the 3rd (Lahore) and 7th (Meerut) divisions, […]


Kangana Ranaut Needs To Be Answered With Logic & The Law, Not Threats Of Violence by RKB

1347 views 4 mins

♦️Why is it important to listen to Kangana Ranaut?♦️The essence of democracy is dissent♦️And an opposing point of view that may be completely and totally opposite and noxious to one’s most fondly held beliefs♦️When Kangana Ranaut says “Mumbai/Maharashtra is like PoK” it’s a statement that’s vile, obnoxious and designed to provoke exactly the kind of […]


#SSR is Bihar’s Pride; Health, Jobs, Transport, Education, IT, Crime, Floods…What’s That? Where Are The Missing ₹15cr By The Way? By RKB

1005 views 5 mins

🥀Sushant Singh Rajput was (or is) The Pride Of Bihar!🥀Magnificent!🥀Remember that topper from Bihar, first in the Merit List who was asked what she was taught and she said “khaana banaaney ke baarey me padaya jaata thha”?🥀Nothing wrong with that; only she was not a Home Science student! She topped the Bihar Board List! Ruby […]


In #SSR Case I Can’t Seem To Dislike Anyone; Except Mob Lynchers Pretending To Be Journalists by RKB

Author 1
816 views 4 mins

🥀In the Sushant Singh Rajput case I have a personal problem🥀And I can’t seem to solve it (as in my problem)🥀I rather like everyone involved or not involved or discussed by default🥀Sushant Singh Rajput was brilliant as Dhoni🥀Rhea Chakraborty is lovely and very articulate🥀Mr Rajput’s father is quite right to be agitated at the loss […]


Rana Kumbha; The Sisodia Lion Of Mewar Who Defeated 4 Combined Armies (3 Muslim and One Hindu) by RKB

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1028 views 4 mins

🌹RANA KUMBHA, (1433-1468) THE REAL LION OF MEWAR🌹 🌹This is the Real Lion Of The Sisodia Rajputs who was attacked by the combined Armies of Shams Khan (Nagaur) Mahmud Khalji (Malwa) Ahmad Shah (Gujarat) and Rao Jodha (Marwar) and DEFEATED all of them! 🌹And yes I WAS NEVER TAUGHT THIS in my NCERT HISTORY BOOKS […]


Akbar Issued Siya Ram Coins and Mughals Were Anti-Hindu? by RKB

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5384 views 36 secs

🇮🇳This is MY INDIA🇮🇳 🇮🇳Isn’t it YOURS?🇮🇳 🇮🇳When AKBAR THE GREAT ISSUED SIYA RAM COINS🇮🇳 ♦️1584 CE is a landmark year in the reign of #EmperorAkbar, as Akbar founded a new religion called ‘Din-i-Ilahi’, amalgamating teachings of different faiths, along with a new Ilahi calendar, that started with the introduction of the new faith. ♦️To […]


When Muslims Offered Namaz In A Ganapati Pandal by RKB

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1020 views 8 secs

🌹THIS IS MY INDIA 🌹ISN’T IT YOURS? 🌹During the celebration of Eid al Adha in 2019 many Muslim devotees in Mumbai were seen offering namaz inside a Ganpati pandal 🌹How did this happen? 🌹Members of the Seva Sangh Ganeshotsav Mandal in Colaba saw that the Madrassa Rahamatiya Talimul Quran mosque could not accommodate all devotees […]


If Ram Had Killed Ravan Today, What Would The Libtards Have Said? By RKB

Author 1
924 views 3 mins

🙏JAI SIYA RAM 🙏 ♦️What if the present day liberals were alive when Shri Ram fought Ravana, over 12,500 years ago? ♦️Let us look at how they would have interpreted Rama’s victory over Ravana. ♦️One more example of North Indian Hindutva Fascism Against The South *- #TheWire ♦️And they burned him: *- #TheIndianExpress* ♦️Was Ram […]


Mughal Emperors Were Great Patrons Of The Vaishnava Tradition; So How Could They Be Anti-Hindu by RKB

Author 1
1105 views 8 mins

🌹All Mughal Emperors (barring Babar and Humayun; but their reigns were too short) were great patrons of arts, literature and culture inspired by the Vaishnava tradition (pic shows a miniature of the celebration of Diwali Jashn-e-Chiraghan at the Mughal Court) 🌹If that had not been the case it would have been impossible for the Mughal […]


There Were No Communal Riots In India Under Mughal Rule Till Akbar II (and No One Owned Shares Of FB in The Riot Affected Part Of Bengaluru) by RKB

Author 1
1015 views 8 mins

♦️We just saw a Police Station in Bangalore set on fire because of a Facebook post about The Prophet Mohammed (PBUH)! ♦️It would be funny if it weren’t so tragic; 3 dead, crores worth of property destroyed over an abusive post on a Social Media platform foreign owned that probably got richer as the violence […]


How Happy Is Krishna Janmashtami Really? by RKB

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1169 views 3 mins

🌹Happy Janmashtami🌹 🌹Let’s see how HAPPY it really is.. 🌹Krishna’s born in jail to a mother imprisoned by her own brother 🌹Yet Krishna is never shown as anything but happy 🌹As soon as he is born he has to be spirited away in the dead of night in pouring rain, a flooded Yamuna river on […]


When An Indian Brigadier’s Citation Won A Brave Pak Army Captain The Highest Gallantry Award by RKB

Author 1
815 views 50 secs

🌹When Pakistan Honoured A Courageous Pak Army Captain Because Of An Indian Brigadier’s Citation🌹 🌹Captain Karnal Sher Khan, 12, Northern Light Infantry, Pakistan Army, who was killed in action at Kargil in 1999, was initially abandoned by his country when it refused to acknowledge that its army personnel had been involved, but eventually received Pakistan’s […]


How Sikhs Led By Jassa Singh Ahluwalia Rescued 22,000 Maratha Women From Abdali by RKB

Author 1
4286 views 4 mins



When The Muslim Nawab Of Malerkotla Put His And His Family’s Life On Line To Protest The Killing Of Guru Gobind Singh’s sons by RKB

Author 1
1981 views 4 mins

🌹WHEN THE MUSLIM NAWAB OF MALERKOTLA STOOD UP TO TRY AND SAVE THE YOUNGEST SONS OF GURU GOBIND SINGH Ji MAHARAJ and walked out of the Royal Court in protest🌹 ♦️THIS IS MY INDIA ♦️ISN’T IT YOURS? 🌹This is what Guru Gobind Singh ji Maharaj wrote in his Zafarnamah to the Mughal Emperor Aurangzeb after […]


Aurangzeb Gave More Grants For Hindu Temples Than Mosques by RKB

Author 1
5149 views 13 mins

🌹Writing in February of 1659 Emperor Aurangzeb said he had learned that “several people have, out of spite and rancour, harassed the Hindu residents of Benares and nearby places, including a group of Brahmins who are in charge of ancient temples there.” 🌹The Emperor then ordered his officials: “You must see that nobody unlawfully disturbs […]


In The New Ram Mandir Will The Rich Again Pray Inside, And The Poor Beg Outside? By RKB

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5010 views 8 mins

🌹Now that Ram Temple construction has begun at Ayodhya what do I feel? First 🌹JAI SIYA RAM🌹 🌹For one I must congratulate Narendra Modi and his Govt for fulfilling 2 out of the 3 main promises in their Election Manifesto 🌹The BJP had said this time when they came to power they would repeal Art […]


A Rajput King Sacrifices 4 Sons To Protect A Mughal Princess by RKB

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2534 views 3 mins

🌹WHEN RAJPUTS FOUGHT THE MARATHAS TO PROTECT A MUGHAL PRINCESS🌹 🌹And then there is this…from the Mughal Imperial Archives 🌹Once (the year was 1699) the doli (palanquin) of Princess Nadira Begum (Jahanzeb Begum) wife of Prince Azam (son of Aurangzeb) was on its way from Islampuri (where Aurangzeb was at that time) to Gilgit, escorted […]


Indian Muslims Have Always Respected Shri Ram; There Are Over 300 Urdu Ramayanas by RKB

Author 1
1974 views 6 mins

🌺THE RAMAYANA IN URDU🌺 🌹JAI SIYA RAM 🌹 ♦️More than 300 versions of The Ramayana exist in Urdu; each beautiful and enchanting in its own way…maybe now after the Shila Nyas (Foundation Laying) at Ayodhya we shall soon have Urdu Ram Leela’s again in the tradition of Awadh! ♦️Just discovered this lovely gem by #RakshandaJalil […]


🌹Now That There Will Be “THE” Ram Mandir Let’s Recall When Shri Ram Prays To Ma Sita by RKB

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1292 views 5 mins

🌹JAI SIYA RAM🌹 🌺THE INCREDIBLE #ADHBUTARAMAYANA (Adhbuta; AMAZING) WHERE #SHRI_RAM PRAYS TO #MA_SITA 🌺 🌹Ma Sita’s Roopa as #Mahakali when she sees the elder brother of #Raavana #SahastraRaavan render Shri Ram unconscious with an arrow that seemed to pierce his heart! 🌹From #Valmiki’s own redux version his original work called “Adhbuta Ramayan” Shri Ram takes […]


Now #SSR To Topple A Govt, Burn Rhea, Crucify Mahesh Bhatt; The Inquisition Is Back by RKB

Author 1
1101 views 6 mins

So Sushant Singh Rajput was bullied? Looks like it! If Rhea Chakraborty and her family could bully the boy, the bully-off with the rest of the film industry would have been traumatic (Even though we don’t use bully off in hockey anymore; it’s just a mundane push start) Rhea Chakraborty allegedly seduces him, entraps him, […]


When Emperor Akbar Decreed “No Hanuman Bhakta To Be Harmed In The Mughal Empire” by RKB

Author 1
5393 views 4 mins

WHEN EMPEROR AKBAR ISSUED A DIKTAT “NO HANUMAN/RAM DEVOTEE SHOULD BE HARMED IN THE MUGHAL EMPIRE” 🌹For the record Emperor Akbar (same guy played by Prithviraj Kapoor in K Asif’s Mughal-e-Azam) had issued a firman that “no devotee of Shri Ram or Hanuman should ever be harmed by anyone in the Empire” (From The Din […]


Being Mahesh Bhatt “No Good Deed Ever Goes Unpunished” by RKB

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814 views 5 mins

♦️So what’s it like being Mahesh Bhatt? ♦️The man who introduced more newcomers as film stars, as directors, cinematographers, film editors, sound editors, music directors, song writers, screenplay writers, story writers, dialogue writers (I could go on) than the whole of Bollywood put together? ♦️What’s it like being called the vile, noxious, obscene, disgusting and […]


When Emperor Akbar Ordered The Mahabharata To Be Translated Into Persian (to be cursed by the extremist Maulvis at Court) by RKB

Author 1
1285 views 4 mins

♦️In 1582 an order was passed by #EmperorAkbar The Great to translate #The_Mahabharata into Persian. ♦️The Emperor called it “a Gift from God” (all the extremist Maulvis at Akbar’s Court were appalled; they cursed the Emperor and quietened down only after 3 of them were put to death by being crushed underfoot Akbar’s favourite elephant […]


Sushant Singh Rajput’s Demise Feeds Revenge, Hubris and Every Failed Actor’s 30 secs Of Infamy by RKB

Author 1
810 views 4 mins

♦️Itna Sannaata Kyon Hai Bhai? ♦️So?Mr #KaranJohar and Mr #MaheshBhatt told Ms #RheaChakraborty to harass and loot Mr #SushantSinghRajput ? ♦️Is that the new #ManiacMafia theory? ♦️Come ON! ♦️What happened to the #BollywoodMafia? ♦️#gangsofbollywood ? #Nepotism? ♦️The nexus that drove a young man to suicide? (I still maintain I am not convinced it’s suicide and […]


Hanuman, King Of Ghosts and A 1000 Shri Rams by RKB

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1022 views 5 mins

🌹One day when Sri Ram was sitting on his throne, his ring fell off. When it touched the earth, it made a hole in the ground and disappeared into it. It was gone. 🌹Hanuman as usual was at Ram’s feet. Rama said to Hanuman, ‘Look, my ring is lost. Find it for me.’ 🌹Hanuman can […]


Bollywood Flops Use Sushant Singh Rajput To Settle Scores by RKB

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780 views 2 mins

♦️Have people gone completely insane? ♦️If you keep targeting Bollywood in this manner what will you achieve? ♦️Change? ♦️Change for what? ♦️You wish to erase the remarkable body of work from people like #AdityaChopra, #KaranJohar, #MaheshBhatt, #AnuragKashyap, #SanjayLeelaBhansali and replace it with? ♦️Destroy #SalmanKhan, #HrithikRoshan, #AamirKhan, #ShahrukhKhan, #AliaBhatt, #DeepikaPadukone, #KareenaKapoor #JavedAkhtar, #RanbirKapoor, #RanveerSingh and replace […]


Build Houses On Stilts, Learn To Live With Floods by RKB

921 views 5 mins

♦️We need to learn to live with floods ♦️With Bihar under flood waters for at least 3 months of the year (that’s one-fourth of the year) why has the Govt not considered all Housing and construction on stilts in the flood prone areas? ♦️They do that in the Philippines, in Thailand and even in parts […]


If Sushant Singh Rajput Committed Suicide I Am Pope Francesco The Fifth by RKB

Author 1
1165 views 4 mins

♦️#SushantSingh could not have committed suicide! Unless he did and I am a Lobotomised Lunatic ♦️And why has everyone very quietly accepted the theory that Mr Rajput’s tragic passing away had something to do with Bollywood? ♦️Why is no alternative theory being even considered? ♦️Someone somewhere comes up with this Great Bollywood Mafia theory and […]


Sonia Gandhi: How much more should she sacrifice to be called INDIAN? by RKB

Author 1
961 views 3 mins

♦️Write off Mrs Sonia Gandhi at your own peril ♦️1995-96…The Taj Mahal Hotel, Mumbai ♦️With my dear friend and elder brother the late #MurliDeora and of course Mrs #SoniaGandhi just before she took the plunge into active politics! ♦️Mrs. #Gandhi was kind enough to talk to me “on record” about how unhappy she was at […]


Do Indian Muslims Have Hindu Blood For Breakfast? by RKB

Author 1
1006 views 2 mins

🤪DO INDIAN MUSLIMS HAVE HORNS, TAILS FANGS?🤪 ♦️Do Indian Muslims have tails, horns and fangs? No, they are as human (mentally, physically and emotionally) as most other Indians. ♦️Do they eat only Biryani, Korma, Kebabs and Beef for breakfast, lunch and dinner? No, they also love Gobi, Bhindi, Lauki, Kaddu, Tamatar, Karela, Paneer, Chana, Daal […]


Time To Throw Out The Chinese Is Now; Tomorrow May Be Too Late by RKB

Author 1
847 views 3 mins

♦️Indians stand ready to make all sacrifices necessary to battle the Chinese ♦️Ready to fight till the last bullet, bayonet, kirpan, sword, knife, man, woman and child ♦️Is our Govt ready? ♦️Fact : China respects only strength ♦️Fact : China doesn’t care about you ♦️Fact : China will do what China wants ♦️Fact : WE […]


Now Vultures Are Eating Sushant Singh Rajput’s Remains by RKB

Author 1
4270 views 3 mins

♦️And while on #SushantSinghRajput Bollywood is the toughest place in the world ♦️No one gives anything to anyone out of the goodness of their heart ♦️And to blame #KaranJohar #SalmanKhan #ShahrukhKhan #AliaBhatt for being successful, brilliant. sought after and being what they are is the dumbest thing in the world ♦️Incidentally I know none of […]


🌹”A Hindu Astrologer Gave Me My Muslim Name”: A R Rahman by RKB

Author 1
1217 views 33 secs

🌹This is the guy we all LOVE 🌹This is the guy who is so quietly confident without being self effacing that he is almost unreal 🌹The Real Indian Genius the whole world thinks the world of 🌹He was born Dilip; we know him as Rahman 🌹OUR RAHMAN.. ♦️(A R RAHMAN, THE SPIRIT OF MUSIC by […]


Sachin Pilot Loses Pilot License; Congress In Suicide Mode by RKB

Author 1
905 views 2 mins

♦️Should Congress just turn cold towards Sachin Pilot, and let him drift? That would be the worst possible thing to do… ♦️They did exactly that….sacked Sachin; so the real rock’ n roll begins now. The Party decides whatever Gehlot Decides Goes! Goodbye Mr Pilot! Is this the roads to disaster for the Congress that the […]


When A Muslim Couple’s Baby Boy Was Born In A Ganesh Temple by RKB

Author 1
741 views 2 mins

🌺When A Young Muslim Couple’s Baby Boy Was Born In A Ganesha Temple; they decided to call him Ganesh🌺 🌺This is MY INDIA 🌺Isn’t it yours? ♦️27-year-old Ilyaz Shaikh was taking his pregnant wife Noor Jahan to the hospital in a taxi in Mumbai ♦️Midway Noor Jahan went into labour;they were shocked when the cab […]


Sharikadevi Of Hari Parbat; Protector Of Srinagar by RKB

Author 1
5287 views 53 secs

🌺From a #Sharda manuscript (Ancient Kashmiri) in Zurich, Germany. Identified simply as “Goddess radiating Energy”. 🌺She sits insides a Persian shamsa (sun) medallion. 🌺This is in fact the 18 Armed, Red Deity Of Hari Parbat named #SharikaDevi 🌺”Hari Parbhat” also known as “Sharika peeth” located at Srinagar (Kashmir) is one of the most holiest and […]


Has Vikas Dubey’s Encounter Opened The Brahmin Door For Congress In UP by RKB

Author 1
775 views 6 mins

♦️Will Congress Use Vikas Dubey’s Encounter As One More Instance Of Anti-Brahmin Bias In Uttar Pradesh? ♦️The Congress used to be invincible in Uttar Pradesh till they lost power in 1989, never to return for the next 30 years, because of a simple combination; Brahmins-Dalits-Muslims ensured Congress would inevitably win UP! ♦️Then the Muslims turned […]


Priyanka Gandhi Has To Rebuild Congress In UP For India’s Sake by RKB

Author 1
958 views 3 mins

♦️So what does Congress need to do now? ♦️Give #PriyankaGandhiVadra a free run ♦️She looks like Mrs Indira Gandhi, and is working like her! ♦️Resurrect mohalla committees ♦️Let them begin to work with ordinary people again the way the used to in the 50s, 60s, 70s and early 80s ♦️Let people know on social media […]


Rani Lakshmibai Died Fighting, Along With Her 54 Pathan Bodyguards, All Killed, All Muslim by RKB

Author 1
2176 views 58 secs

🌹On April 2nd, 1858 , 162 years ago, with Damodar Rao on her back #Lakshmibai, Rani Of Jhansi jumped on her horse Badal from the fort; they survived but the horse died. 🌹Lakshmibai (#ManikarnikaTambe) escaped from the British in the night with her son, surrounded by her select guards including #KhudaBakhshBasharatAli (commandant), #GulamGausKhan, #DostKhan, #HanifullahBaksh, […]


Why Have Oppn Parties Allowed BJP To Escape On The Economy ? By RKB

Author 1
3888 views 3 mins

“argumentum ad hominem” ♦️Whenever anyone has nothing to say on the topic of discussion/argument you begin labelling a person! (As in for some people I become an RSS man; as if that’s argument enough against the callous attitude of Congress leaders themselves against Rahul Gandhi himself) ♦️And I become an anti-national, katua, Paki each time […]


Vajpayee Supported Mrs Gandhi Unconditionally in 1971; will Congress learn anything? By RKB

Author 1
4778 views 5 mins

🌹There was a time, less than 50 years ago, when the whole Opposition stood like a rock behind then Prime Minister Indira Gandhi during the 1971 War with Pakistan 🌹All parties, bar none, extended unconditional support to Mrs Gandhi since “the country faced a common enemy” 🌹Leading the Opposition’s unconditional support for the then PM […]


A Lesson In Management From Hanuman by RKB

Author 1
696 views 10 secs

🌺Jai Bajrang Bali🌺 🌺Ravana’s physician Sushena tells Hanuman “To get the Sanjeevani Plant from the mountain you will have to use all your wisdom and all your strength; and the mountain will test you like you have never been tested before “ 🌺Hanuman asks “That Plant will save My Lord?” 🌺Sushena replies “ Yes it […]


Push China Back; War Is The Only Option by RKB

Author 1
4093 views 2 mins

And I know I sound like a broken record, but war with China is as inevitable as Day follows Night! We can hold 10 high level diplomatic talks or a 100 at Corps Commanders level In the end we shall have to push the Chinese out of Aksai Chin. Pangong Tso, Galwan Valley, Shyok River […]


For Those Who Screech At Indian Muslims by RKB

Author 1
585 views 6 secs

♦️And this for my very dear friends on the extreme/lunatic end of everything ♦️Just a few things worth remembering: 🇮🇳The slogan “Mādarē Vatan Bhārat Ki Jai” was composed in 1857 by #AzeemUllahKhan (which later evolved into Bharat Mata Ki Jai, the above is the original) •🇮🇳The Slogan “Jai Hind” was the work of #AbidHassanSafrani •🇮🇳The […]


A Human Being Is The Only Creature With Poison In His Words, Not Teeth: Lord Krsna by RKB

Author 1
814 views 11 secs

🥀WORDS HAVE CONSEQUENCES A HUMAN BEING IS THE ONLY CREATURE WITH POISON IN HIS TONGUE NOT TEETH 🥀 -SRI KRISHNA ♦️18 दिन के युद्ध ने, द्रोपदी की उम्र को 80 वर्ष जैसा कर दिया था.. ♦️शारीरिक रूप से भी और मानसिक रूप से भी ♦️शहर में चारों तरफ़ विधवाओं का बाहुल्य था.. ♦️पुरुष इक्का-दुक्का ही […]


So Why Do Leftists Believe China And Not Their Own Govt? by RKB

Author 1
582 views 11 secs

♦️Aum Shree Ganeshaya Namah! ♦️The Govt Of India bans 59 Chinese apps ♦️All liberals/leftists have a field day poking fun at the PM! ♦️One worthy even stated on Twitter “we have taken revenge for the surrender of Ladakh; we have banned TikTok” ♦️And the chorus of dimwitted dunderheads joins in the laughter! ♦️So the Chinese […]


Gr8 News From Sariska; 20 Tigers Now by RKB

Author 1
604 views 7 secs

🐅HOW SARISKA TIGER RESERVE WAS SAVED🐅 🐅In 2005 the Project Tiger agency found that the Sariska Tiger Reserve had no tigers left; all killed by poachers 🐅Then a Bold experiment was tried out to save Sariska; today there are 20 tigers in the Reserve 🐅In July 2008, two tigers from Ranthambhore National Park were relocated […]


Balbir Singh Offered Namaz With Aslam Sher Khan;India Won The World Cup by RKB

Author 1
520 views 11 secs

🌹WHEN BALBIR SINGH OFFERED NAMAZ WITH ASLAM SHER KHAN🌹 🇮🇳This is MY INDIA! Isn’t it YOURS? 🇮🇳The Great two time Olympic Hockey Champion #BalbirSingh Sr was Coach and Manager of the Indian Hockey Team for the 1975 World Cup at Kuala Lumpur (the only time India won the Hockey World Cup) 🇮🇳Just before the final […]


Enemy At The Gates; We Need To Help by RKB

Author 1
618 views 19 secs

♦️Finally a cup of strong, very black coffee, no sugar! ♦️Feeling fatigued, with every bone ready to go in a different direction ♦️Maybe it’s the bloody beard that’s making me so tired ♦️Or maybe it’s just obsessing about the Chinese ♦️And how will Prime Minister #Modi get rid of them ♦️And how we can help […]


This Time War With China Is Inevitable by RKB

Author 1
970 views 3 mins

♦️Whatever alleged de-escalation happens now between India and China it is just postponing the inevitable conflict ♦️India will have to push China out by force of arms ♦️Rest is just smoke and mirrors ♦️Depends on when the Armed Forces are ready ♦️And when OUR Govt develops an iron will ♦️The nation is ready; the Modi […]


China Must Be Forced To Pay For What COVID19 Has Done To The World by RKB

Author 1
1200 views 6 mins

♦️China Must Be Made To Pay For The Chinese Virus♦️ 🇨🇳 China is where the virus began! 🇨🇳 China silenced whistleblowers! 🇨🇳 China covered it up! 🇨🇳 China lied about the extent of the outbreak & blamed others! 🇨🇳 China STILL lies about new cases! 🇨🇳 China refused offers to help contain the virus! 🇨🇳 […]


Modi Hating NRIs STRENGTHEN India’s Resolve by RKB

Author 1
1233 views 57 secs

♦️Can these comical, creepy Modi Hating NRIs living in the US shut up about what India is not doing right and worry about the catastrophe staring America in the face? ♦️And whereas I believe that the curfew/lockdown/enforced isolation should have been more graded it is comical to see NRI #ModiHaters living in the US and […]


Can Mr Modi Please Announce Relief Package For The Poor? by RKB

Author 1
1050 views 40 secs

♦️The Union Govt has to announce a relief package to be supplemented by State Govts ♦️If Kerala and West Bengal (and even Delhi ) why not the Union Govt ? ♦️There are daily wagers, temp labourers, farm workers, rickshaw pullers, auto and cab drivers, delivery boys, courier boys, maid servants (who have been banned from […]


The Privileged Flew Into India, brought in Corona; the Poor Are Being Forced To Trek Back Home by RKB

Author 1
4346 views 41 secs

♦️Who takes care of the poor, the underprivileged, the deprived, the daily wagers, the farm labourer, the people living on the pavement, the beggars, the homeless, the old, the disabled and the penniless? ♦️What is social distancing and lockdown for them? ♦️Social distancing is a privilege. ♦️It means you live in a house large enough […]


Mumbai Slums Are A Corona Virus Time Bomb Waiting to Explode by RKB

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1067 views 2 secs

♦️ #CoronaVirusTimeBomb ♦️The Mumbai Slums are a ticking time bomb! ♦️Will we be able to defuse it in time? ♦️Do we have the wherewithal to defuse it at all? ♦️Just one infected patient could spell catastrophe for the entire city ♦️And then for the whole country ♦️What are we doing? ♦️At the Juhu Nehru Nagar […]


Kerala CM Shows What A Real Leader Is by RKB

Author 1
690 views 21 secs

♦️Kerala Chief Minister #PinariVijayan shows the way! ♦️Free meals (rice and cereals) for all for a month ♦️₹20,000 crore revival package ♦️Special endowments for auto, taxi, bus drivers and hotels! ♦️That’s the way to do it! ♦️Will other States follow Kerala’s lead?


COVID 19; Action Now Will Make The Difference Between 5000 or 5 million Cases By RKB

Author 1
1054 views 8 mins

COVID 19 Is A Real Killer; Don’t Be Fooled By It’s Low Mortality Rate By RKB ♦️Here’s the problem with Covid-19: ♦️If we do nothing, it goes out of control ♦️Don’t be fooled by the less than 2% mortality rate of the virus; it peaks suddenly and hits you when you feel you have recovered […]


Who Is Protecting Pratibha Industries? By RKB & Adv Pradeep Nambiar

Author 1
1815 views 3 mins

♦️ICGS Asks “Serious Fraud Investigation Office”/MCA, TO MAKE PUBLIC RESULTS OF INVESTIGATIONS AGAINST PRATIBHA INDUSTRIES” ♦️More than 10 Banks allegedly duped♦️ By RKB and Pradeep Nambiar ♦️Allegations of MISAPPROPRIATION OF FUNDS by Promoters led by Mr Ajit Kulkarni, Pratibha Industries which is under NCLT for debt resolution abound. ♦️ICGS has asked SFIO- MCA to make […]


I Hope AAP Wins, For Our Bloody Sake (Even Tho Cassidy & Sundance Died) by RKB

Author 1
1047 views 3 mins

Time to take a side; and a hike! Somehow it feels as if the 2015 Delhi elections never really happened; a fledgling party consisting of alleged urban naxals (whatever the fuck that means) never won 67 of the 70 seats in the Delhi State Assembly and that the whole damn thing was a spaced out […]


Hanuman ji Temple Built By A Muslim Queen by RKB

Author 1
1463 views 54 secs

🌺WHEN A MUSLIM QUEEN BUILT A HANUMAN TEMPLE AND STARTED THE HINDU FESTIVAL OF BADA MANGAL (BIG TUESDAY) 🌺 🇮🇳This is MY INDIA 🇮🇳Isn’t it YOURS? 🌺Begum Janab-e-Alia, the second wife of the third Nawab of Awadh (of which Lucknow was the capital) Shuja-ud-Daulah (1753-1775 A.D.), dreamt of a divine presence commanding her to build […]


Mughals Celebrated Diwali and it was Magnificent By RKB

Author 1
5106 views 5 mins

🇮🇳DIWALI CELEBRATIONS FROM MOHAMMED BIN TUGHLAQ TO AKBAR TO BAHADUR SHAH ZAFAR 🇮🇳AND SHAH JAHAN strengthened THE TRADITION OF FIREWORKS ON DEEPAWALI 🇮🇳THIS IS MY INDIA 🇮🇳ISN’T IT YOURS? 🇮🇳Muhammad bin Tughlaq, who ruled Delhi from 1324 to 1351, was the first non-Hindu emperor to celebrate a Hindu festival at the court. It was celebrated […]


Waiting For The Cabinet

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10091 views 16 secs

What’s going on? Why are we still waiting for Chief Minister Iddhav Thackeray’s cabinet? Have my Astrologer friends spooked both Mr Thackeray and Mr Pawar? Time to rock ‘n roll


Balasaheb Would Be Beaming With Pride At Uddhav’s Courage By RKB

Author 1
1001 views 9 secs

If Balasaheb Thackeray had been around today he would probably be unable to call Byron his laughter and his pride; laughter at what his son Uddhav Thackeray has managed to do as in cobble 3 hostile parties together and beaming with pride at finally seeing a Thackeray as Chief Minister of Maharashtra! Balasaheb was a […]


Never Write Off Uddhav Thackeray by RKB

Author 1
999 views 18 secs

When Narayan Rane left the Shiv Sena everyone (apart from a few idiots like me) were writing the obituary of the Shiv Sena They said Uddhav Thackeray will never be able to hold his flock together That Uddhav Thackeray is more interested in his wildlife photography and badminton That he does not have what it […]


Coastal Road; Destroying Mumbai One Beach At A Time By RKB

Author 1
1037 views 11 secs

WHY DO THEY HATE MUMBAI By RKB ♦️There is a stay on further construction of the Mumbai Coastal Road! ♦️My problem is the damage that even this amount of work may have caused the Worli inter-tidal ecosystem is already irreversible! ♦️And whereas an argument exists for the Metro Yard at Aarey (only I don’t buy […]


Why is Radical Islamic PM Imran Khan of Pakistan Not Referred To As A Jihadist? By RKB

Author 1
976 views 2 mins

♦️Every little execrable Western Media Outlet adds the prefix Hindu Nationalist PM to #NarendraModi and #Modi is the Prime Minister of the Secular Socialist Republic Of India that Constitutionally grants EQUAL RIGHTS to ALL CITIZENS ♦️Remember how the Western Media would extol the virtues of a certain Saddam Hussein before everything went south? ♦️And a […]


When Dawood Told Jethmalani “I Want To Surrender” by RKB

Author 1
987 views 59 secs

♦️My friend and one of the most amazing men I have ever met #RamJethmalani has passed on to that Big Court in the Sky to continue his brilliant legal arguments … ♦️On #THERKBSHOW on #SaharaSamayMumbai Mr #Jethmalani revealed how #DawoodIbrahim had called him once saying he wanted to surrender and stand trial! ♦️Jethamalani says he […]


Bollywood As A Propaganda Tool By RKB

Author 1
925 views 48 secs

WHYEVER NOT? HOLLYWOOD’s BEEN DOING THAT FOR 75 YEARS! ♦️Now watch Bollywood come up with a movie on repeal of Article 370 and 35A ♦️”Return Of Kashmir Ki Kali?” and NO #ShammiKapoor or #SharmilaTagore ♦️However in the same vein “GADAR; EK PREM KATHA” was among the best that reduced everything to a dualism that works […]


Time To Repair Kashmir Temples Damaged By Extremists by RKB

Author 1
1069 views 46 secs

🔴WILL #NARENDRAMODI please REPAIR 208 KASHMIR TEMPLES DAMAGED BY TERRORISTS🔴 ♦️I don’t remember all those SHRIEKING IN AGONY over temporary revocation of Art 370 (and I can tell you it’s temporary) ever mentioning the vandalisation and destruction of 208 Hindu Temples by Our Friendly Neighbourhood Terrorists! ♦️In 2012, the then J&K government, in a written […]


Liars On Kashmir by RKB

865 views 2 mins

♦️All those people like #KavitaKrishnan (and #ShehlaRashid #RanaAyyub #GurmeharKaur ) crying hoarse over hardships being faced by Kashmiris by the restrictions placed on them would also do well to answer: ♦️Where were you when over 43 schools were burnt by Paki Pimps in Srinagar who are mortally scared of education for Kashmiri children? Did you […]



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1417 views 20 secs

DECLARE BUILDING UNSAFE, EVICT TENANTS, MAKE MILLIONS by RKB & Adv Pradeep Nambiar ♦️On #THERKBSHOW a Building is declared unsafe under Sec 354 ♦️No one has seen the report under which it has been declared unsafe ♦️Vile Parle (East) Kanhaiya Building ♦️Water and Electricity cut off by BMC o ♦️Not for non-payment Of Bills ♦️But […]


Hindustan’s Revenge by RKB

Author 1
1087 views 6 mins

🔴I wrote this 22 YEARS AGO as Editor of the only morning tabloid in the country at the time namely THE DAILY🔴 🔴 #MODI’s popularity should not have come as a surprise; this is HINDUSTAN WAKING UP from the sedated sleep of Fabian Secularism 🔴 ♦️Hindustan’s revenge – The Daily♦️ ♦️By Rajiv K Bajaj, Title: […]


The Road To Re-Naming Nationalism By Amita Nayar Bajaj

Author 2
1031 views 5 mins

Why Do We Change Some Road/Monument Names And Leave Some Alone? (Miniature above shows Dara Shikho, Aurangzeb and Shuja in happier times) By Amita Nayar Bajaj Changing of road n chowk names is a very political-flavour-of-the-period exercise! I remember the brouhaha over the name change of The Prince of Wales Museum here in Mumbai to […]


“RAHUL GANDHI WILL BECOME MORE POWERFUL” says Astrologer Raj Kumar Sharma by RKB

1425 views 2 mins



“MODI WILL NOT RETURN AS PM” says Pandit Raj Kumar Sharma on THE RKB SHOW

2565 views 49 secs

“MODI-BJP Will Have To Sit In Opposition” says Pandit Raj Kumar Sharma By RKB Pandit Raj Kumar Sharma, internationally acclaimed Astrologer, sticks to his guns and says “MODI IS NOT COMING BACK AS PRIME MINISTER” Says Pandit Sharma “Rahul Gandhi, Priyanka Vadra, Sonia Gandhi, Akhilesh Yadav, Mayawati, Mamata Banerjee, Stalin and others have a combined […]


Why Sunny Deol Will Win Gurdaspur by RKB

1476 views 2 mins

And then came the filmstars to conquer all before them! The greatest asset about most filmstars from Bollywood (with a few exceptions like Sunil Dutt and Shatrughan Sinha) is they do as they are told, recite a few dialogues from their last hit film(doesn’t matter if it was 10 years ago) and generally appear with […]


Battle For Thane Creek by RKB

1552 views 59 secs

🌲ONE MORE WETLAND DESTROYED🌲 By RKB ♦️The destruction of Kassarwadavali, Thane on #RKBSHOW with Advocate Pradeep Nambiar telecast on #NEWSWORLDINDIA tonight on TATA SKY 525 AIRTEL 324 DIGICABLE 194 JIO TV at 10:30 pm ♦️As Professor #ClaraCorreia (Zoologist) says “Wetlands are the kidneys of an ecosystem; can you live without kidneys? And here there is […]


Whatever Happened To The Sushant Singh Investigation by RKB

Author 1
39 views 2 mins

Whatever happened to the Sushant Singh Investigation? By RKB Remember that boy Sushant Singh? Remember how Corporate Media Channels were on a 24 by 7 cycle talking only of that young man who allegedly committed suicide? #JusticeforSushantSingh used to trend daily on #Twitter #Bollywood was abused, denigrated and demeaned daily; they said the Hindi film […]


Modi And Ram Mandir, A New India Rises by RKB

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59 views 4 mins

Has India Really Awakened With The Ram Temple? By RKB WELL  a part of her has; a big part The part that was always smarting under the shame of having been shoved into the mud by invading Afghans, Turks, Arabs, Uzbeks who called themselves Mongols and became Mughals; temples broken, idols smashed, women raped, houses […]


Only Gandhiji Can Save Congress by RKB

46 views 3 mins

What Is The Congress Doing? Do They Know What They Are Doing? By RKB Now that’s a question everyone is asking; everyone who has a stake in democracy that is Congress with the India Alliance will destroy itself; most India Alliance partners are offshoots of Congress And these partners will cannibalise Congress votes; in fact […]


Uddhav Thackeray Fights For His Life by RKB

102 views 3 mins

Does Uddhav Thackeray Have The Strength To Resurrect His Shiv Sena? By RKB I think Sharad Pawar said it best when he told Uddhav Thackeray to forget about the bow and arrow symbol or the name Shiv Sena and move on; he said “in 1978 Mrs Gandhi lost the Congress election symbol and the name, […]


Is Bollywood Dying Or Changing by RKB

85 views 6 mins

Is Bollywood Dying Or Just Changing? Bollywood in particular and Indian cinema in general is going the You Tube way where stars are created and forgotten every Friday! Soon even the sanctity of a Friday release will be put in the back burner with everyday ready for release; a gap between a hit/flop and a […]


Modi Returns With 350+ In 2024 by RKB

102 views 3 mins

Everyone knows the Modi model of Governance; development, nationalism, Hindutva Everyone knows the Kejriwal model ; free Electricity, free education, free healthcare free transport for women Everyone knows the Nitish Kumar model; each time allies make you uncomfortable switch them What is the Congress model? No Alternate Congress Model No one knows; not even the […]


Rahul Returns In 6 Months by RKB

84 views 3 mins

The Congress has a new President Mallikarjun Kharge saheb And Rahul Gandhi says “I shall report to the new President” And I am Pope Francis the V Me! Dark skinned, non-Caucasian, Indian non-Roman Catholic, unbaptised and not even Christian! And Rahul Gandhi will report to Mallikarjun Kharge! Right! BJP Bullies Gandhis So what was the […]


Bollywood Is The Aspirational Patriotic Secular Heart Of India, And is Due For A Makeover by RKB

425 views 4 mins

Will #Bollywood wake up to the fact that audiences need to see content they can relate to, be challenged and intrigued by and will leave them with something they have never experienced before? I am sure #bollywood will change They always do When Shammi Kapoor style song and dance routines in Kashmir and Darjeeling started […]